How the Top Pros Make It Look So Easy

If you have had the privilege of observing someone who is at the top of their game, you probably were in awe at how easy they made it look. They were able to anticipate what was coming next and execute the exact needed response. It was poetry in motion.

How are they able to do that? One answer is pattern recognition. When you build up a massive database of experiences, and you have a clearly defined target in mind, your subconscious mind searches for the patterns that will inevitably lead to success at hitting your target. You have a superpower!

Chess, golf, investing, learning the alphabet, doing the laundry, and sales all share a common ingredient for success which is pattern recognition.

Cognitive neuroscience and human psychology support the idea that pattern recognition is at the heart of learning and performance. History also teaches us that pattern recognition is the key to survival. Early humans had to learn which plants would nourish and which would make them ill. They had to learn which animals to avoid. Even today, modern science, particularly in developing immunizations, are dependent on pattern recognition to develop lifesaving drugs and treatments.

My grandson is learning his alphabet. If I began with “A, B,…” he will jump in and pick up with the next letter. Soon he will begin to learn how to ride a bike. It won’t take long and he will identify patterns that lead to either success or bruises. Pattern recognition is at the heart of learning and performance.

Experts are not in full agreement over the degree to which pattern recognition is an innate talent or a learned skill. Regardless, there are some things you can do to improve your ability to benefit from this life-changing asset. Most importantly, is practice and repetition. The more you do something, the more experiences are stored in your database from which to begin to extract patterns.

When you are intentional and specific about your target, your subconscious mind can tap into that database to look for patterns and predictability. Like a heat-seeking missile, when you lock your mind on a target, the database of experiences will guide you to it.

Here’s how that benefits you in your sales career. First, it builds confidence. Just like my grandson learning his alphabet or how to bike, as you begin to recognize patterns you become more confident. When you become more confident you display more confidence. People like dealing with people who are confident. It’s been said that no one likes to be sold but everyone likes help with buying. As a confident sales representative, you provide a valuable service to your prospects.

You are also able to focus on their needs. Because you have confidence in your ability to recognize the patterns and predictable next steps, you no longer need to worry what you’re going to do or say next. You can invest all your energy into serving. The prospect will feel that and appreciate it.

You will also become more effective in helping your prospect solve their problems. Because you recognize patterns, you will become more precise about providing solutions and applying strategies that will help the prospect get exactly what they need to feel comfortable moving forward with your proposition

Ultimately you will be rewarded for your efficiency in terms of your income. As you become more proficient at recognizing patterns, it will take less time to make more sales.

The takeaway is this. When you are new, choose massive action so that you can build a database of experiences from which patterns will inevitably emerge. See as many prospects as possible as quickly as possible early in your career.

Make sure to couple this strategy with choosing specific and intentional success targets so that your subconscious mind knows what to look for. Over the years I have benefited from being mentored and influenced by outstanding salespeople. As I recollect their stories, they all had one thing in common. When they were new, they chose massive action as a strategy. That set them up to be able to take advantage of the life-changing impact of pattern recognition.

SafeStreets USA is a leading ADT provider operating nationwide. We sell and install smart security systems for residential and small business. If you are looking for a new career in an exciting industry representing the dominant brand, reach out to me and let’s chat. SafeStreets USA provides its team members with state-of-the-art learning and development tools to help them reach their full potential.

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