Overcoming Call Reluctance

In my work with individual sales representatives and sales organizations, I have a bird’s eye view of what separates top salespeople from all the rest. One of those differences has to do with their ability to overcome call reluctance. Notice I said overcome call reluctance, not eliminate it. In this post I want to define what call reluctance is, debunk the myth that not everyone experiences it, and share some strategies that might help you deal with this inevitable force.

Call reluctance is a form of avoidance. We all experience avoiding things that we don’t like doing or even find unpleasant, regardless of whether we know we should do them. In sales, one of the most difficult things is calling on prospective clients. If you are in a sales position where you must generate your own qualified prospects, you understand the work that is required making numerous calls, many of which will turn out to be unfruitful.

It’s important you understand that you are not alone. Just think about non-sales tasks in our life that we often avoid. Going to the dentist. Starting an exercise program or a healthy eating plan. Calling that relative that we haven’t spoken with in a long time. Managers who put off having those difficult conversations with an employee. We all experience it.

The reason for avoidance and call reluctance starts with our ego. We want to be successful and win. We don’t want to experience failure or defeat. In sales you must be able to control your emotions. You must also eliminate that notion that something is lacking in you that all the top salespeople have. Trust me, everyone experiences those feelings that lead to avoidance. The difference is the top representatives have developed strategies to overcome call reluctance. Here are a few suggestions that might help you overcome call reluctance.

Start with your reason why. Many top salespeople tell me they don’t necessarily love the work, but they love where the work will take them. It helps to focus on the results as you grind through the necessary activities. You must believe that everyone who has achieved a high level of success had to go through a lot of work and growth to get there. Sometimes we hear that referred to as the “price of success.”

Another strategy is to partner up with someone else who is on the same path. Sharing the journey can strengthen your resolve and create support and accountability. Sometimes healthy competition can turn it into a game that seems more like fun and less like work. Sales is easier as a team sport rather than a solo effort.

Feed your mind with inspirational ideas to keep yourself going. There is a world of positive content available at your fingertips. Connect with people who have gone where you are heading and learn about their stories and strategies.

Find a coach or mentor who has a proven track record of helping people reach more of their full potential. Find someone preferably who has successfully made the journey themselves. Make sure they are skilled in helping others. A good coach should help you on your own path of discovery.

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  1. JDuran


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