What is Your Edge?

The top ranked organizations and individuals all have something referred to as their “edge”. It’s that special something that sets them apart and makes them the best in the world at what they do. It’s their competitive advantage. They are aware of it, and they leverage it to stay on top.

How about you? What is your edge? What sets you apart? What is your competitive advantage? What are the top 3 things that you do better than anyone else?

Here’s a good place to start if you are finding this to be difficult to answer. Who are some people or organizations that you admire? What sets them apart? What are their strengths? Why are they admirable?

In the world of sports perhaps you think of Tom Brady. What sets him apart? Preparation comes to mind. How about longevity? Did we say winning?

Think of companies that are leaders in their industries. Why do people pay more for an Apple product that usually gives fewer features than a lesser priced competitor’s model? Because it works. Because you can pick up the phone and talk to a customer service representative very easily.

How about people in your own organization? Who are the admirable people? What is their edge? What makes them the best at what they do? This is a great place to start to identify ideas that you want to incorporate as your edge.

Another good place to start is to consider what others say you are good at. What do others say are your strengths? What are your gifts? These can all be clues to helping you identify your edge.

Some of you already know what your edge is. You currently leverage it to be tops in your field. You need to define it and constantly develop it because today’s edge may not be enough tomorrow.

Understanding your edge when it comes to recruiting talent to your organization is critical. Today’s jobseekers have infinite choices and unlimited sources of information to enable them to select where they will invest their time and energy developing a career. Why should they choose you? Why are you the best place to start a career? What’s your proof?

One last thing to consider when it comes to your edge. It must matter to your customers. If the people you serve see no value in your edge, it’s not an edge. Being the best at something that no one needs is an exercise in futility.

Identifying your edge is a key component to effective career development. Let’s have a conversation about your edge. Reach out to me if career development is something you would like to explore.

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