3 Things to Know About Success

When I hear individuals use the word “success” it normally refers to an achievement or level of accomplishment bestowed upon another individual or organization. It describes someone or something that has already reached a level worthy of acclaim. A better use of the word in my opinion is to use it to describe an individual or organization that is in the process of moving toward a meaningful and worthwhile pursuit.

Paul J Meyer, one of my early mentors, had a powerful definition of success. “Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile, personal goals.” His definition says that you are being successful when you are striving to achieve, not once you get there. His definition allows each of us to be successful right now. We don’t have to wait!

In his book “The 10X Rule” Grant Cardone says there are 3 things to know about success. First, success is important. It matters that you are growing, learning, and striving to become the best version of yourself. Consider the alternative. What happens to individuals and organizations who don’t consciously decide to get better? We live in a world of change. If you are not keeping up, you are falling behind. Businesses and organizations that fail to improve, cease to exist due to atrophy or acquisition. And the same is true for you and I as individuals. Success is not an option, it’s essential.

Secondly, success is your duty. It is your obligation to others to do your best. It’s unethical to do less than your best. I believe we are all given gifts for the purpose of serving others. If we neglect or ignore developing and using those gifts in the service of others, those gifts cease to exist. You use them or you lose them.

If you work for a company as an employee, you have an ethical responsibility to do your best as a reflection of your appreciation for those who made your opportunity possible. If you are a leader, you have a responsibility to those who count on you for leadership. You also have an obligation to your family and those who count on you for support. Success is your duty.

Finally, the third thing to know about success is that it is unlimited. Success is created not acquired and therefore has no limits. When someone else succeeds, it is good for all of us because it helps us believe that we also can do more than we currently are. Someone else’s success doesn’t limit your success, rather it enhances it. It’s not a competition where there can be only one winner.

Success is better viewed as a verb rather than a noun. When seen this way, it is encouraging. Are you being successful currently? What is it that you have identified that is worthwhile and personal that you are striving for? Do you view success as something that is optional, or do you consider it your ethical duty? Do you view success as being unlimited?

If you want to be more successful, start by identifying the goals that are worthwhile and personal. Then create an action plan that is specific, measurable, and realistic. Accountability is key. Perhaps you can benefit from a business/career coach. Reach out to me if you would like to have a conversation about how coaching can accelerate your progress.

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