Many of you know the name Brad Lea For those who don’t, he’s an entrepreneur who has a significant presence on social media sharing what he’s learned and interviewing other entrepreneurs to uncover their insight and knowledge. He’s also the chairman and CEO of LightSpeed VT, the learning platform that hosts SafeStreets University. He has a framework he refers to as the Sacred 6, a list of 6 essentials to success in business and in life. I’d like to share his list and some of my comments about each of the essentials.
- Forgive yourself and others. The past is the past, let it go. The choice to forgive activates perhaps the most powerful of human abilities and emotions. When you choose to forgive, you have entered the divine! We have all messed up in our lives. Just own it. Now forgive yourself and step out of the chains that have been holding you anchored to the past. Do the same with others. Once you forgive them, you have freed yourself from all that negative emotion. Don’t try to move forward dragging all that excess baggage.
- Commit to what you say you’re going do. Nothing builds confidence and self-esteem like delivering what you said you were going to deliver. The secret is to be careful about what you commit to. If you’re going to develop this habit, you also must get good at what you’re going to say no to. Life is about choices. You cannot say yes to everything and expect to consistently live up to your commitments. Choose wisely.
- Rack up the wins. Make winning a habit by winning consistently and often. Set lots of small daily goals that you can accomplish. Raise the bar a little at a time but keep raising it. Too often we set goals that we are not quite ready to accomplish. This is called setting ourselves up for failure. We are in the habit of winning or the habit of failing.
- Get rid of the idiots. Who are the voices that you are choosing to listen to? Are they voices that are helping you get where you want to go or are they voices holding you back? Listen, there are good people with bad voices in your life. Some of these are people who genuinely care about you and love you, but their relationship with you makes it tough for them to support you when you are trying to break out of your comfort zone. They are not idiots necessarily, but they have bad voices when it comes to your goals. Hang with the people who are doing what you want to do.
- Map out and visualize specifically what success is for you. If you’re not sure where you’re going, anywhere will do. You need to be crystal clear and hold every decision up to the idea of where you’re going. Put the law of attraction to work for you by giving your brain a target to aim at. The more specific the better. Fuzzy goals lead to fuzzy results.
- Seek new information. You must change the way you believe. Our beliefs control our thinking, our thinking controls our action, and our actions determine our results. Start with ideas that will influence your beliefs. Read, listen, study, seek out the best ideas about how to achieve your goal. You can’t love what you don’t know. SafeStreets University contains a wealth of information that will positively influence and develop your beliefs to support your success.
The Sacred 6 is a useful framework for both designing a solid game plan, and for periodic evaluation of where you might need to make changes to optimize your growth and development.